Friday, August 17, 2007

[Note: I'm messing around with templates, so don't get weirded out if the layout is different every time you visit.]

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ssssssibling Rivalry

So we are finally sure of our snake's gender. Reggie is a girl. We know because a couple weeks ago there were suddenly a dozen really small snakes in the cage. Let me tell you something that may surprise you: Baby snakes are really cute. It's certainly not something I would have thought about before, but they are.
We released all the babies but one, whom I, in a fit of creativity, named Hannibal. This because he ate one of his siblings and then tried to eat another, until the next day I finally had to help extract the second snake still protruding from his mouth. He's been fine since then, but I haven't been able to get him to eat anything else, presumably because he's still working on a meal as big as he is.

Last night we took Sam up to Millcreek Canyon. He's been up there once before, and all he wants to do is play in the stream. This despite the fact that the water is so cold it continues to hurt my feet the entire time I'm standing in it. We tried to get him to go eat with us, but he just kept running back to try to get in the water. Eventually we distracted him a little bit with a toy football. He already throws farther than I can, and he's not even two years old.