Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ssssssibling Rivalry

So we are finally sure of our snake's gender. Reggie is a girl. We know because a couple weeks ago there were suddenly a dozen really small snakes in the cage. Let me tell you something that may surprise you: Baby snakes are really cute. It's certainly not something I would have thought about before, but they are.
We released all the babies but one, whom I, in a fit of creativity, named Hannibal. This because he ate one of his siblings and then tried to eat another, until the next day I finally had to help extract the second snake still protruding from his mouth. He's been fine since then, but I haven't been able to get him to eat anything else, presumably because he's still working on a meal as big as he is.

1 comment:

A Bunch of Roaches said...

A snake for a pet...You are weird.