Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Car Wars

We've had some interesting car trouble recently, after having virtually none for 3 years. One of our cars was rendered undriveable, and had to be towed to the shop. $500 and a few days later, they said it was fixed. We drove it home, and the next morning it wouldn’t start again. Another tow and 7 days later, they found that someone had poured sugar (or something similar) in our tank, which had worked itself up to the engine. Before you tout your knowledge of the show Mythbusters, let me assure you that in the right conditions it is possible to mess up a car with sugar. In any event, the repair bill was now estimated at about $2,000. Fortunately, our insurance has agreed to cover it as vandalism, and we are only out the $500 deductible, which we would have had to pay anyway for the first repair. But since the sugar was the cause of that too, the whole shebang will only be the $500. Now we have to take the other car in too, as it is also having some problems. We pray that it’s not the same cause…

1 comment:

Krista said...

Ugh, why would someone do that? At least you were smart to call your insurance and they're helping out with the cost.